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Qtracker Mapshots Pack

for Battlefield 2 - Forgotten Hope 2 Mod

Download Forgotten Hope 2 Mapshots Pack
stats: ~ 10.200kb

Pictures taken from the Forgotten Hope Webpage

1.3 - 2010-10-10 - updated to FH2 2.3
1.2 - ..
1.1 - 2008-09-14 - crete, mareth line, gazala, tunis + default pic added
1.0 - 2007-12-17 - first release

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updates will follow !

for Battlefield 2 - Battlegroup Frontlines Mod

Download Battlegroup Frontlines Mapshots Pack v1.3 (2008-10-05)
stats: 14 maps - 65 pics - 4.754kb

Pictures taken from the Battlegroup Frontlines Webpage

1.3 - 2008-10-05 - modid bgf105 added; default pic added
1.2 - 2007-12-02 - 9 more screens added (kharkov, the way east)
1.1 - 2007-12-01 - screens for 3 more maps added
1.0 - 2007-12-01 - first release

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updates will follow !

for Battlefield 1942 - Forgotten Hope Mod

Download Forgotten Honor Tournament Mapshots Pack v1.1 (2007-11-08)
stats: 25 maps - 36 pics - 1.782kb

Pictures from the FHT Mod.. Some self made...

1.1 - 2007-11-08 - "map not found" pic removed (used by all BF1942+mods); more screens added;
1.0 - 2007-11-08 - first release

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updates will follow !

Download Forgotten Hope Mapshots Pack v1.2 (2007-04-07) - FULL
stats: 81 maps - 312 pics - 6.424kb

Some Pictures from the Forgotten Hope Webpage / the Damned Priests Webpage / some custom screens by MagicMAD

1.2 - 2007-04-07 - TDP Mappack 4 added;
1.1 - 2007-04-02 - mapname typos fixed; screens replaced; new screens added;
1.0 - 2007-03-29 - first release

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updates will follow !